about me

I’m a devoted educator and lifelong learner. For over 15 years, I’ve served as a teacher trainer and instructor at home in Raleigh, North Carolina and abroad, including for groups from China, Azerbaijan, and Colombia.

I fell in love with teaching English learners while working as an elementary grades English teacher in Costa Rica after college. After earning my Master’s in English/Linguistics at NC State University, I started a business teaching international professionals in RTP and taught in the ESL program at Wake Technical Community College.

In 2017, I returned to NCSU as a Lecturer in ESL. In addition to courses in writing and speaking for international students, I teach Linguistics in NCSU’s MA-TESOL program and undergraduate TEFL minor program.

Over the years, I’ve presented papers and workshops at conferences and for various organizations, including TESOL International Association.

Topics I’ve presented on include

  • implementing Social and Emotional Learning in the higher education classroom;

  • meeting the needs of rural multilingual learners;

  • applying digital tools in an international teacher-training program.

I’ve received NCSU’s award for Outstanding Lecturer in the Humanities and Social Sciences, a DELTA grant, and QM certification. I’ve also conducted Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) studies based on my classroom teaching approaches and materials.

In 2022, I started work on a PhD in Teacher Education and Learning Sciences with a concentration in Learning, Design and Technology at NCSU.


  • I am a mom to identical twin boys and two daughters, a wife, sister, daughter, and friend.

  • I am Piedmont-NC-born-and-bred, married to a second-generation Argentine/Cuban.

  • I am a teacher and a student; an educator and a researcher. I’m always looking to learn from mentors, teachers, and writers who transform my thinking and change the way I teach others.

  • When I’m not teaching, I enjoy eating my husband’s famous paella with our family and trying to reclaim my garden from the weeds.