
I prepare teachers to work with multilingual learners in the United States and abroad. My teaching is grounded in empathy, trust, and connection.

I focus on making my teaching relational and practical, while giving teachers in training the knowledge and skills they need to improve their confidence and competence in their teaching. I engage students locally and globally with practical, real-world learning activities that connect them to one another, to campus, and to the community.

“i've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

– Maya Angelou


I pursue excellence in teaching, meeting and exceeding best practices for online and in-person teaching. I center the needs of vulnerable and underrepresented students to cultivate a classroom environment where everyone can thrive.

  • I was awarded the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Lecturer for 2020-2021 for my approach to teaching.

  • I attend and present at regional, national, and international conferences in my discipline. I’ve also led and participated in multiple workshops on research and pedagogical strategies, instructional technology use, and collaborative learning with faculty across the university.

  • My efforts to meet the needs of diverse learners have been recognized by the university with an Accessibility Champion Award and for course design that meets the UN Sustainability Goal for “ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and prompting lifelong learning opportunities for all.”


I innovate to make my teaching creative, engaging, and practical, and I support my students in gaining traction for their career pursuits.

  • My innovations in the online course “Linguistics for Teachers of Multilingual Learners” received a DELTA faculty grant in 2020. The project, “Bite-Sized Linguistics,” resulted in a redesigned course that received Quality Matters certification, one of 40 such courses at NC State University.

  • I connect my students to professionals from companies such as the SAS Institute and Amazon so they can engage with practicing professionals.

  • I have ESL teachers-in-training interview my ESL students in a mutually beneficial partnership. I also help students rehearse for interviews and qualifying exams and prepare for and attend career fairs. 


I collaborate with students, faculty, and staff across disciplines.

  • I created a partnership with NC State Library’s Special Collections Research Center to interview international students as part of an oral history project that has become a permanent and ongoing part of the University’s collections. This project gives international students a voice and builds their confidence and competence for communicating in English. 

  • In fall 2022, I created a partnership with the Office of Undergraduate Research to have my freshman international students present their original research at the Office of Undergraduate Research Sidewalk Symposium, resulting in the largest participation from freshman to date at the symposium. Several of these students went on to present their research at NCSU’s Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Courses i teach

Linguistics for Teachers of Multilingual Learners, undergraduate & graduate levels

Linguistics for ESL Professionals, graduate level, College of Education Add-on licensure program for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools teachers

Linguistics, TESOL Certificate Program 

Advanced Oral Communication in English 

Advanced American English Pronunciation for International Students 

Academic Writing and Research for International Students 

Questions? Feedback? I’d love to hear from you!

what my students say

“Ms. Estrada was very responsive and kind. She was supportive of different learning styles. As a person with ADHD I appreciate the different opportunities to show my knowledge.”

– Linguistics for Teachers of Multilingual Learners student

“I failed several internship interviews last year and it was a very hard time. Ms. Estrada helped me practice and made me believe in myself when I thought I wasn’t good enough. As a result, I did well in the interview with my dream company, SAS, and got the internship.”

– Advanced American English Pronunciation student

“I was very nervous as a non-native speaker taking classes in this country for the very first time. Ms. Estrada made me feel welcome and ‘relevant.’ This class changed a lot of things both professionally and personally for me. I really enjoyed it.”

– Linguistics for Teachers of Multilingual Learners student